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Problems faced by a Beginner participant while dealing in stock markets?

Lack of Conceptual Understanding
Beginners start trading without understanding foundational concepts of stock market and basic technical know-how. Learning is an ongoing process
Losses from Uninformed Trading
Most beginners do random buy & sell trades. They do not really know what is the right trade-set up and investment rationale behind these trades
Relying on Tips and Rumours
They rely on tips from their friends, family, office colleagues, news sources, fraud tip providers etc. which lack any intelligent research and analysis and are not trustworthy
Don't Worry!!!
MoneyUncle has got your back
MoneyUncle and our Top Experts are here to guide you. Our mission is to help 100 million+ investors start their stock market journey and make better trading and investing decisions.
Creating wealth is in your hands now... literally

MoneyUncle App - How does it work ?

Trading & Investment Ideas
Ideas on Nifty and BankNifty using index futures & options
Cash market and F&O ideas on large cap, mid-cap and small cap stocks
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